公司事务 Recruiters

Delivering a message of excellence to every stakeholder

Are you putting top talent on your organization’s front lines?

In today’s disruptive environment, managing your organization’s message, driving strategy alignment, 保护和提升所有利益相关者的声誉从未像现在这样重要. Success depends upon having a diverse, 高性能, 还有人脉广泛的团队,在合适的地方拥有合适的关系,以及清晰而引人注目的故事, 以及一个积极的和整合的活动,以最大限度地提高你的沟通, government relations, 公共事务 and investor relations efforts.


4001百老汇会员登录的企业事务专家中心是一个专门的专业实践,其顾问是前从业人员,对职能有全面的了解,并与全球“一流”人才和“冉冉升起的新星”有着深厚的联系. Our practice provides executive search, 人才的映射, competency-based assessments, 一对一的指导, compensation benchmarking, strategic function 设计 and succession planning across four areas:

  • 政府事务

    与立法, 规定, and governmental oversight on the rise, 政策制定导致了日益复杂的运营环境. 倡导中的角色, 公司事务, government relations, 法律事务, 公共政策, 公共事务部门对贵公司在国内外的战略效益负有重要责任.

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  • Corporate communications

    在当今的运营环境中,管理所有利益相关者的组织形象和叙述比以往任何时候都更加重要. Typically a direct report to the CEO, the Chief Communications Officer (CCO), 是一位不可或缺的战略家和顾问,他建议高管们与clear, impactful and consistent messaging across all audiences, leveraging campaigns and content across all media, 数字, social and influencer channels.

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  • 投资者关系

    如今的投资者关系官(IROs)是高管层不可或缺的顾问, 在日益复杂的投资环境中,帮助翻译和沟通公司的目标和业绩. Top IROs have deep financial acumen, are well versed in the business, and have credible working relationships with the Street.

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  • Corporate social responsibility

    越来越多地, 消费者和投资者更密切地关注公司在市场中的运作和行为. Whether its through use of natural resources, its position on helping improve communities, or its operating values, 人们呼吁企业在运营方式及其对社会的影响方面提供更大的透明度.

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Let us be part of your success story



我们的企业事务团队作为一个全球团队,制定人才战略并执行高度针对性的国际人才搜索. 我们有进行高层沟通的悠久历史, 政府事务, 政策关系和政治事务的搜索量超过了我们所有的竞争对手. 我们在市场上也有最好的知名度,这是吸引优秀候选人的关键.

Here are some of the challenges we can help you address:

Finding top talent to drive your results

Companies need skilled communications, 公共事务, 投资者关系和政府事务专业人士,预见挑战并采用聪明的方法, strategic plans to advance the organization’s mission. They must bring a 360 perspective, guiding the strategic narratives that align the business, improve engagement and protect your corporate reputation. 但要找到这些专业人士就像大海捞针一样困难. That’s why our international team of search consultants will:

  • Give you access to the industry’s most extensive candidate database
  • 利用我们创新的招聘技术发掘难以接触到的候选人
  • 识别, 屏幕, 并在单一搜索和多个管理搜索项目中安置新兴的领导者

Discovering a better way to hire and upskill your workforce

今天, 公司事务 leaders must display core technical skills, possess business acumen, and be creative problem solvers. And they must have the tolerance, 能源, 耐心和外交才能在破坏性变革中起到稳定作用. Our leading assessment platform will:

  • 通过将你的角色映射到我们的成功档案中,向你展示什么是“好”, which benchmark the characteristics needed for optimal job performance
  • 通过衡量候选人的特点,考虑他们是谁,而不仅仅是他们能做什么,从而确保文化契合, 司机, 和能力
  • 对各个垂直行业的人才进行广泛的测绘和基准测试,以识别冉冉升起的新星

Investing in and nurturing your high-potential talent

组织认识到通过高潜力项目对人才进行投资的价值, 但只有不到三分之一的公司对自己正在培养下一代领导者充满信心. 为了帮助您设计一个培养未来领导者的课程,我们的团队将:

  • Use assessment data to plan, 设计, measure and adapt personalized 发展, 然后根据高潜力候选人的需求制定培训计划
  • Provide a targeted career pathway through tailored 发展, perspective-broadening assignments, additional responsibilities and senior-level exposure
  • 获得领导和高管的认可,建立他们对项目的参与和支持


你有无数与薪酬相关的问题:你的薪酬是否与市场相符? Is your rewards package fair? Should you update your salaries? When should you give employees a bonus? Our consultants will answer these questions plus:

  • Give you deep insights into compensation policy, 实践与设计, so you can ensure your salary programs are competitive and compliant
  • Discover salary movements and forecasts, salary administration policies, short and long-term incentives and more
  • Ensure your rewards budget is allocated effectively and competitively


我们的专家 are the best at what they do. 作为一个诚实和包容的合作伙伴,我们与您的团队合作,实现并超越您的业务目标, and we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help you achieve greatness.


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