你好,我是比尔·梅维尔将军. I'm a retired Army officer and a senior advisor to 4001百老汇会员登录 for leadership, 技术, 和网络安全. 我想和你们谈谈领导力和领导力发展在网络安全领域的重要性. I've spent a career developing and training leaders as a former commanding general, as the director for operations for the Joint Chiefs, and as the former vice commander at US Cyber Command. And I've seen firsthand the impact of good leadership on business operations. I spent a career in leveraging 技术 to achieve successful outcomes. 但是从我的经验来看, 我知道,决定一个组织是否成功的最终因素是卓越的领导力,而不仅仅是出色的工具. 对于减少网络漏洞和提高网络防御的制胜战略来说尤其如此.
新兴网络安全专业人员成长和发展的最大机会是学习如何在模棱两可和权威模糊的情况下取得成功. 从本质上讲,网络安全是一场关于风险和出错后果的对话. And it is really the mastery of soft skills and persuasion, 听, 以及有效的沟通,使网络安全专业人员成为他们公司的有效领导者和守护者. It's hard for cybersecurity specialists to move the needle in enterprises. Cyber leaders have to be leaders everywhere. They have to be player coaches for their teams, 具有很强的商业头脑, and understand business operations to be effective cross-functional, 他们必须准备好登机.
Businesses need cybersecurity professionals who are comfortable with uncertainty, who can lead balanced approaches to risk, and create teams that are solutions-oriented. 4001百老汇会员登录的网络领导力发展项目将来自各行各业的高潜力未来首席信息安全官聚集在一起,进行为期五个月的领导力发展体验. 该计划是为网络专业人士量身定制的,并支持参与组织建立未来领导者的管道. 它将个人评估、指导、辅导和小群体领导力培训结合在一起. Participants grapple together with leadership dilemmas individually and together, 他们探索如何提升和加强他们作为网络专业人士的商业影响力.
网络专业人员的领导力发展非常重要,因为他们在保护组织品牌方面面临着前所未有的挑战, 服务, 以及客户信任. It's no longer enough for cyber leaders to rely solely on their technical skills. In the face of constant cyber threats, they need to possess the skills to deliver at the enterprise level as well. My view on leadership is that it's not a title or a reward, but an obligation to serve causes that are greater than oneself. And I want to see leaders in cybersecurity, 哪里的风险如此之高, be more than just strong functional leaders, but enterprise leaders who can drive for results, who possess the skills to shape and influence, 谁能与他们的同行一起保持企业的安全,并提供具有良好商业意义的解决方案,并推动其组织的价值向前发展.
Let us be part of your success story
We offer a suite of solutions that address the 技术 risk journey. 我们的产品组合包括一系列解决网络安全问题的人才解决方案, 从招聘顶级网络安全领导者到发展内部人才储备. We also help your executives and board align their talent, 组织能力, and culture to defend against emerging cyber threats.
Here are some of the challenges we can help you address:
Developing leaders to drive cyber awareness and accountability
网络安全战略需要从高层开始推动——从高管层领导人和董事会成员开始. But high-caliber leaders are scarce and in high demand. 更重要的是,网络安全的角色也在发生变化,尤其是在行政层面. We help you identify leaders capable of leading change in your organization. 方法如下:
- Identify and develop the leadership traits, beyond tech savvy and problem solving, 这对推动变革至关重要
- Show leaders how to drive more productive cyber and 技术 discussions
- 教领导者如何带领整个组织的不同人群走向更好的网络风险管理
Identifying, attracting, developing and retaining core cyber talent
为了应对网络威胁,合适的人才和合适的网络墙一样重要. 但是,很少有公司考虑他们的人才是否具备做出正确决策以保护组织所需的专业知识. 以下是我们的帮助方式:
- 确定你需要改变你的组织的人才的技能和性格特征
- 为忙碌的招聘经理提供他们需要的指标和其他数据,让他们做出明智的招聘决定
- 应用最先进的人员分析来衡量和评估你的人才在各个层面的网络准备情况
Removing key structural barriers to reduce cyber risk
构建一个有效的网络组织需要平衡你的使命和使命的执行. The best solution depends on your organization’s structure, culture and leadership. We develop strategies tailored to your organization that:
- 优化绩效管理和奖励制度,以激励更好的网络行为
- 打破藩篱,建立灵活的团队,推动正确的网络信息流通
- Structure processes for a more agile response to technological disruption
Developing organization-wide cyber literacy
There’s no such thing as being 100 percent secure from cyber threats. Day-to-day business practices—for example, 使用云计算服务和拥有作为物联网一部分的互联设备是犯罪分子可能利用的潜在漏洞. While firewalls and security protocols help, you need to educate your staff on the potential risks and how to mitigate them. 以下是我们可以提供的帮助:
- 建立一个有目的的, 战略愿景提升组织价值,建立组织行为规则
- 在不同的团队之间建立一致性,以缩短导致网络风险的竖井
- 领导变革管理计划,以解决整个组织的风险文化
我们的专家 are the best at what they do. 作为一个诚实和包容的合作伙伴,我们与您的团队合作,实现并超越您的业务目标, 我们有知识, expertise and experience to help you achieve greatness.
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