Let us be part of your success story
Our sustainability specialists offer a full range of 人才 solutions, including organizational design, assessment and succession, 人才 acquisition, leadership 发展 and rewards and benefits consulting. 我们帮助您建立一个颠覆性的可持续发展职能,准备将业务重点放在环境和社会议程上, 转变经营模式和工作方式,以获得竞争优势.
Here are some of the challenges we can help you address:
Identifying top sustainability 人才
可持续发展职能部门对人才的需求很高,而且没有停止的迹象. 但, 多年来, many organizations have underinvested in sustainability, 因此,他们的人才库可能无法很好地引领环境、社会和治理运动走向未来. 我们帮助您确保您拥有符合您的目标和价值观的人才,随时准备推动您的社会和环境战略向前发展. 我们可以:
- 创建一种理解人才的通用语言和框架,确保业务战略和可持续发展努力之间的一致性, including your values and purpose
- Identify the traits, 司机, 与可持续发展相关的职位成功相关的能力和经验
- 通过我们严格的、数据驱动的评估,确定多样化的潜在人才名单
- 重新培训和提升人才的技能,让他们在你的转型中发挥作用
Assembling a bench of future leadership 人才
建立一个成功的可持续发展运动需要有远见的、鼓舞人心的领导. 可持续发展的组织需要有弹性的领导者,他们了解手头的问题, who can forecast what’s coming next and who are capable of collaborating, negotiating and exerting influence over multiple stakeholders. They must be courageous and resilient, ready to embed sustainability in your organization’s ways of doing work. 我们的顾问与您合作,确保您拥有能够加速实现目标的当前和未来领导者. We:
- 评估你的高潜力优势和技能差距,以确定学习机会
- 设计一个培训计划,培养领导能力和软技能,以装备未来的领导者
- 通过评估新员工的领导能力,确保他们与公司文化相匹配, personality traits and commitment to your purpose
Building employee engagement
可持续发展和环境、社会和治理只有在你的领导和员工高度投入和敬业的情况下才能成功. And to succeed in sustainability, you can’t treat these issues as one-offs; rather, you must embed 环境、社会和治理 in every team’s purpose. We work with employees at all levels of your organization, 确保每个人都认识到他们的工作如何影响组织的使命,使其变得更加可持续. When an employee’s inner purpose aligns with your organization’s broader purpose, it unlocks their motivation to perform, 创新成长. We work with you to:
- 定义与组织文化和业务目标相一致的目的、使命和愿景
- Create long-term 环境、社会和治理 and carbon neutrality goals
- 通过我们的包容性领导者计划,就如何培养支持多元化和包容性的心态向领导层提供建议
Setting the right rewards and compensation structure
在激励、公平和透明的奖励之间取得平衡是很困难的. 但 if your employees don’t perceive their rewards as fair, they’ll be disengaged, and they won’t follow through on their commitments. 但是一个与你的业务需求和价值观相一致的奖励策略是很容易理解的? That’s what delivers engagement—and business results. 我们帮助您建立一个奖励结构,以推动绩效并奖励员工的贡献. 这是如何 we do it:
- 确保你的奖励计划能产生追随者,克服短视思维
- 创建一个奖励框架,以满足员工生命周期不同阶段的需求和期望
- 确保员工了解你的薪酬和福利战略背后的大局,以及他们如何融入其中
我们的专家 are the best at what they do. 作为一个诚实和包容的合作伙伴,我们与您的团队合作,实现并超越您的业务目标, and we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help you achieve greatness.
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