Senior Client Partner, ESG & Organizational Strategy
Let’s Talk – Clive Smit
Companies fail to address the people.
70% of transformations fail mostly because of the people elements - because companies fail to address the people and the organization element. So first and foremost, focus on the people.
Involve them in understanding the challenges.
Engage them early, involve them in understanding the challenges that you as leadership are facing with the organization and encourage experimenting, encourage developing, testing and scaling new solutions.
Fail fast and learn quickly.
Fail fast and learn quickly. Instill a culture where people are allowed to try things and fail, but that you learn from that and move on. Follow through on your promises as leaders. What you are aiming to do with the transformation and what benefit it is in for all of the stakeholders?
Recognize and celebrate successes.
Recognize and celebrate successes. Everyone needs to basically share in the reward. So, it's not just recognizing and celebrating success from a non-financial perspective, but also financially they need to be able to share in the rewards of it.
Lead with purpose and conviction.
We need to have leaders that are inspiring, authentic, inclusive, and what we call truly enterprise leaders. People that lead with purpose and conviction and commitment to make their company successful. It very much starts with that.